Food Science and Technology

ISSN-print: 2073-8684
ISSN-online: 2409-7004
ISO: 26324-2012


The license agreement is mandatory when submitting the article

Dear authors, manuscripts submitted without a license agreement will not be sent for review. The license agreement is mandatory when submitting the article. It is necessary to adhere to the author's ethics.

Transliteration according to international standards

Resource for automatic transliteration according to international standard Link

International scientific-practical conference «FOOD AND FEED TECHNOLOGIES ».

We invite you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference «FOOD AND FEED TECHNOLOGIES ». The Conference will be held 21-24 September 2021 in the conference hall of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. The Organizing Committee will be grateful to you if you are familiar with this information of their colleagues who are interested to take part in the conference.
We look forward to your participation!
Sincerely, Organizing Committee.
For the news of the conference program follow the website of conference-

Competition of Student Scientific Works Black Sea Science

Dear colleagues, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies invites students to take part in the annual International Competition of Student Scientific Works Black Sea Science.
You will find all the necessary information on the website at the link

Prevention of certain problems and errors in the practice of academic integrity

Dear scientists, members of editorial boards, graduate students and applicants for higher education, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed an analytical note "Prevention of certain problems and errors in the practice of academic integrity." It can be downloaded at the link