Контамінація м’яса тварин і птиці та засоби її зниження | - А.П. Палій
- К.О. Родіонова
- А.П. Палій
| ukr |
Thе оrgаnіс prоduсtіоn іn thе соntеxt оf іmprоvіng thе есоlоgісаl safety оf prоduсtіоn оf the fооd іndustry | - O. Nikoliuk
- І. Grуshоva
- T. Shеstаkоvskа
| eng |
“Lving” and “probiotic” cosmetics: modern view and defenitions | - N. Tkachenko
- O. Chagarovskyi
- N. Dets
- E. Sevastyanova
- L. Lanzhenko
| eng |
The use of bacconcentrate Herobacterin in brine cheese technology | - I. Slyvka:
- O. Tsisaryk
- L. Musiy
| eng |
Study of regularities of distributing powdered dietetic additives in coarse dispersed foodstuffs | - M. Pogozhikh
- T. Golovko
- A. Pak
- A. Dyakov
| eng |
The prospects of using milk whey enriched with Mg and Mn in the technology of bakery products | - О. Kochubei-Lytvynenko
- E. Bilyk
| eng |
Efficiency of the functioning of the state control system for the safety and quality of animal products in Ukraine | | eng |
The influence of antioxidant postharvest treatment on content of biologically active substances during storage of cucumbers | - O. Priss
- V. Yevlash
- V. Zhukova
- I. Ivanova
| eng |
Features of obtaining malt with use of aqueous solutions of organic acids | - O. Pivovarov
- O. Kovaliova
- T. Khromenko
- Z. Shuliakevych
| eng |
Study of diffusion processes in pumpkin particles during candied fruits production | - V. Atamanyuk
- I. Huzova
- Z. Gnativ
| eng |
Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L.) biological activity and the possibilities of its use for the correction of the lipid metabolism disorders | - O. Tovchiga
- O. Koyro
- S. Stepanova
- S. Shtrygol’
- V. Evlash
- V. Gorban’,
- T. Yudkevich
| eng |
Influence of the unfrozen magnetized water on juices | - K. Mikhaylova
- L. Telezhenko
- E. Shtepa
| eng |