Determination of functional and technological properties of beef based on the analysis of color digital images of muscular tissue samples | - О. Savinok
- N. Azarova
- О. Arsiriy
- А. Nikolenko
| eng |
Determination of some chemical and quality parameters of changes in turkish Sari Ulak monocultivar extra virgin olive oil during 12 months of storage | - E. Ghanbari Shend
- D. Sivri Ozay
- M . T. Ozkaya
- N. F. Ustunelc
| eng |
Development of technological solutions for flour production with specified quality parameters | - D. Zhygunov
- V. Kovalova
- M. Kovalov
- A. Donets
| eng |
Edible film-forming coating with CO2-extracts of plants for meat products | - A. Soletska
- K. Nistor
- V. Hevryk
| eng |
Features of the hemicellulose structure of some species of regional raw materials and products of their enzymatic hydrolysis | - O. Nikitina
- N. Cherno
- S. Ozolina
| eng |
Hydrodynamic and energy parameters of gas-liquid media | - A. Shevchenko
- O. Stepanets
- A. Sokolenko
- O. Bilyk
| eng |
Influence of temperature regimes of ripening and fermentation stages on the physical and chemical properties of cream and sour-cream butter quality indicators | | eng |
Investigation of the films based on the uronate polysaccharides by the method of differential scanning calorimetry | - N. Коndratjuk
- Ye. Pyvovarov
- Т. Stepanova
- Yu. Matsuk
| eng |
Investigation of the safety grapeseed powder as an alternative to cocoa-powder in a confectionery glaze | - O. Gorodyska
- N. Grevtseva
- O. Samokhvalova
- O. Savchenko
- A. Grygorenko
| eng |
Obtaining and characteristic of the magnesium organic forms on the basis of products of bifidobacteria processing and their metabolites | - A. Kapustian
- O. Antipina
- R. Budiak
| eng |
Reagent purification of the processing industry enterprises effluents | - М. Malovanyy
- G. Krusir
- О. Holodovska
- A. Masikevych
| eng |
The effect of electrical discharge treatment of milk whey on partial conversion of lactose into lactobionic acid | | eng |
The peculiarities of crystal formation during freezing of broccoli | - S. Belinska
- S. Levitskaya
- N. Каmienieva
- А. Roskladka
- O. Kitayev
| eng |
The use of glucan-containing grain materials in the technology of foam-like pastries | - К. Iorgachova
- O. Makarova
- O. Kotuzaki
- K. Avetisіan
| eng |
The using of mechanodiffusion effect in the production of concentrated polyextracts | - O. Burdo
- Usef Alhurie
- I. Syrotiuk
- Ju. Levtrynskaya
- Davar Rosmami Pur
| eng |